Keilor Auskick returns this Friday.

26 Apr 2021 by Billy Allwood

Hi All,

Our 2021 season will kick off this Friday night April 30th at Keilor Football Club.

If you have not signed back up as yet now is the time to do so.

If you are signed up and not getting my emails please let me know asap as I provide more details in our emails.

On Friday please arrive at 5.00 pm for a 5.15 pm start. Our sessions will run for 1 hour.

Please do not go onto the ground until the under 14’s training has finished at 5pm.

Parents please check into Keilor Auskick Via the QR codes on the club room windows or at the Covid safe officers table which will be at the main entry to the ground at the clubroom end.

Please dress your auskickers for the weather and bring a water bottle with their name clearly labeled on it. You do not need to bring a footy but if you wish to have a little kick at the start of the night, please give this to your parents before the start of the session. Auskickers can wear footy boots if they have them but this is not compulsory. I do recommend the kids wear boots if possible in winter when the ground is wet and slippery.

Please let me know if you have any questions and I look forward to seeing you all on Friday.

Billy Allwood
Keilor Auskick
0438 644 409

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