Auskick returns tomorrow with some changes !!!

17 Jun 2021 by Billy Allwood

Hello all,

Sorry for the late email but I have been working hard with the club and all coaches to work out how we can run a session tomorrow whilst following the current government and local council restrictions.

We are now running two sessions tomorrow night, to ensure we do not exceed local council ground density requirements.

5pm – 5.50pm – We are running AAA, Kinder, Prep and the Girls group. (as usual, no time changes)

6pm – 7pm – Grade 1 and Grade 2+ groups.

Therefore, the older two mixed groups grade 1 and grade 2 and above are now running their session 1 hour later, starting at 6pm.
I know this is not ideal and there will be a few parents that have children in both groups. If this is a huge issue please contact me and I will see what I can arrange for you.

We will still need the usual parent helpers to run these sessions.
If you can help please go with your child to their group and check in with the coaches Q.R codes or those on the club room windows.
We ask that only one parent brings their child and no other older children attend if possible.
There are no spectators allowed. If you are not a parent helper we ask that you remain in your car if possible. You will be able to park in the car park or around the ground.
We need to get in and get out. Please arrive just before your child’s starting time, and head off asap once finished.

We hope that these changes are just for the one week and we can run a normal session the following week.

Now let’s hope for good weather, last thing we want to do is cancel the session due to rain. If this is required this will be posted on team app.

Please contact me if needed.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow night.


Billy Allwood
Keilor Auskick
0438 644 409

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